
Marble Hill - Tennis Court T1

Marble Hill Park, Richmond Rd, Twickenham TW1 2NL, UK

Booking Information

Cancellations must be requested at least 48 hours prior to your booking time. All cancellations must be confirmed in writing and emailed to marblehillpark@english-heritage.org.uk prior to the booking up to deadline (48hrs) Any changes/moved to another time/date - to the booked slot must be made prior to or at least 1 hour before on the day Refunds are at the discretion of English Heritage and are not guaranteed. If your refund is approved, a 1.2% transaction fee will be deducted from the booking price. In the event of a cancellation caused by English Heritage, a full refund will be granted.

Loading Timetable

Location and Opening Times

Marble Hill Park, Richmond Rd, Twickenham TW1 2NL, UK


7:30am - 7:00pm


7:30am - 7:00pm


7:30am - 7:00pm


7:30am - 7:00pm


7:30am - 7:00pm


7:30am - 7:00pm


7:30am - 7:00pm

Additional Information





Full Size


2 x Tennis full size courts, gate entry is locked when not in use. Please call Ranger Mobile if booked and courts locked: 07825 680 709 court booking start from 8am last booking is at gate closing of park /dusk or 7pm whatever latest . We do NOT keep courts open after this time -even in summer when rest of park closed - you will be asked to leave if past advertised closing time. NO Block bookings are allowed from Tennis coaches please contact the Ranger team for more information . We reserve the right to amend any block bookings.  We have one Tennis coach for marble Hill who has Priority bookings - ALL other tennis bookings are made on individual basis/ non commercial basis- any classes arranged privately by personal trainers/coaches not authorised by English Heritage do not have preferred or special booking/cancellation privileges. English Heritage reserves the right to cancel or amend bookings due to weather/events/security or other reasons deemed necessary. Please note the park closes earlier at Dusk throughout the year and last booking times will be amended to allow for this- (earliest park closing time is 4pm - latest 7pm)

No Timeslots selected

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